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Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Question 2:

"The Persuaders" starts off by evaluating just how much advertising americans are subject too throughout they're everyday lives. It is in fact an increasingly enormous amount of advertising when compared to that of even 30 years ago, though I personally do not believe it effects us as negatively as we believe it may. It almost seems that as more advertisements become available, more and more become naturally blocked out by the brain, considering them to be just hapless pieces of our environment. In my opinion, advertising today is neither to encroaching, nor too subtle, but instead at a perfect balance that allows people to still make decisions for themselves.

Because of how advertising can become ignored by our brains, businesses are developing new, more personal ways to connect to people via advertising. While it hasn't, in my opinion, reached a critical level, I feel it may soon in the future, What is to say that our brains wont then block out the majority of that content? Advertising seems to be a medium which needs to constantly adjust to our world in order to remain effective. I do not, however, feel that people are pressured any more today than people were 30 years ago, despite the fact that advertising has become much more widespread.

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