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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Q3 - Transparency!

Transparency is a concept used to describe how open information or motives are to an audience. How transparent something is depends on the reasons to creating that something. For example, ever find a facebooker who is constantly updating their page with everything they do? Do they personally enjoy typing up every moment of their life? or is it for social benefit that they make themselves appear to be socially involved. Bloggers may have the same mutual reward as such a facebooker, but is it also possible that career opportunity and/or money is involved with what they say. It is'nt hard to overlook the fact that some online bloggers get hundreds of thousands of views weekly. Many such blogs probably take advantage of such popularity and accept payments for writing about another company or product. It is true that Transparency lines differ from each blog, twitter, facebook, search engine, etc, but is also relevant to the offline world as well. How offline businesses and corporations operate with transparency is also just as pertaining. Say a new coke product launches with a chance for all consumers to win a million dollars. How transparent are the details about such an offer? Some similar items might add your odds of winning in a small text somewhere hidden along the product, but even still is not enough to make it seem as though "If you buy this product, you personally could have over a million dollars. For free." Perhaps such an offer triples the amount of cokes that sell. all the sudden the company is looking at billions of dollars in profit, and the slight inconvenience of having to give away a mere fraction of their gross. Such is an example of the transparent motive behind an offline source. Such motives are not always limited to money, however, and could range from social benefit, cultural benefit, or may even be straight out of good will. Such deeds are rare and hard to come by, however. The way I see it, everyone wants something.

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